Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Who Am I Running the 2016 USAF Marathon in Honor Of...

As most of you are aware, I run my races with a dedication to someone or an organization in mind.  The 2016 USAF Marathon will be no different. This year the dedicated individual is very close to home.  You see I am running for a very special young man, a son, a grandson, his name....Garrett Burchard or known to many as "G".  G is the son of MSgt Archie and Jessie Burchard.  Archie's father CMSgt Archie Burchard is my and many others mentor, my former boss and standard setter for so many Airmen today.  MSgt Archie Burchard was just a teenager when I first met him.  A bit mischievous at times, but hey what teenager isn't or wasn't right?  I was in that same category as a teenager too :).  Over the years although moving with the military all over the country we stayed in touch and I watched Archie and Jessie grow through Facebook and communications.  I remember when little "G" was born and introduced to Facebook.  After that time I have seen nothing but love, dedication and passion to be the honorable parents we are all called and strive to be.  To say that Archie and Jessie loved little "G" would be the understatement of the millennium.  They absolutely adored him.  Through many of Archie's deployments little "G" was right there helping his mother with what he could.  The Facebook posts were so fun to watch.  That is the beauty of Facebook...we all can see and watch our friends grow up, family events and just some really funny times.  Over that time little "G" grew in front of us all, playing sports and man the fish he caught with his father!  Special times for sure.  This all stopped like a moment in time  early this year.  In a tragic accident little "G" was taken from them.  Yes, he has left this world, but little "G" has left a huge mark on everyone to include myself.  I was deployed at the time and remember reading about it over Facebook.  I just stopped as I read the update.  I read the posts and after a bit sent a message to CMSgt Burchard with my condolences.  There are so many photos of little "G" and as I rolled through them on Facebook this one stood out of the deck and said "This is G".  So Happy and open armed! The picture on the right is the shirt I will wear during the race.
So I dedicate the USAF Marathon 2016 in September to little "G".  I will be thinking of the wonderful times I saw him and his parents on Facebook.  MSgt Archie and Jessie Burchard, you both are the epitome of faith, dedication, family and what parents are supposed to be to their children! 

G....on 17 Sep at 0700 at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio please jump on my back and lets take a 26.2 mile run together, keep me company and know that you are so loved!  This one is for YOU!!.