Sunday, July 22, 2012

Book Reviews for 6, 7 and 8...

If you have kept up with my running goals this year, I added a book reading goal as well, 12 books in 2012. To date 8 books are complete (I blogged about the first 5 earlier this year…check them out). So let me provide my overview and thoughts on books 6, 7 and 8. I started book 9 this morning…it is a book I was given from my military mentor.

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel
Lee Strobel takes you through a journey of investigations into the truth of Jesus Christ. He interviews thirteen well respected scholars from different specialties. His investigations spanned six hundred days and many hours. If you have ever asked yourself the following questions, this book will provide convincing proof, but FAITH is what it truly comes down to…Your relationship between the Father and YOU.

1. Can the biographies of Jesus be trusted?
2. Do the biographies of Jesus stand up to scrutiny?
3. Were Jesus’ biographies reliably preserved for us?
4. Is there credible evidence for Jesus outside his biographies?
5. Does archaeology confirm or contradict Jesus’ biographies?
6. Is the Jesus of history the same as the Jesus of faith?
7. Was Jesus really convinced that he was the Son of God?
8. Was Jesus crazy when he claimed to be the Son of God?
9. Did Jesus fulfill the attributes of God?
10. Did Jesus and Jesus alone match the identity of the Messiah?
11. Was Jesus’ death a sham and his resurrection a hoax?
12. Was Jesus’ body really absent from his tomb?
13. Was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross?
14. Are there any supporting facts that point to the resurrection?

Radical, by David Platt
WOW!! One of the best books I have read on defining our purpose in this world. David is going to take you through his thoughts being a young mega church pastor. Then he will show you that discipleship is a responsibility and core ask from our Father. This goes for Men and Women. Throughout my reading, I have sent tidbits of this book to my 20 men I stay in touch with from Oklahoma, Virginia and here in DC. At the end of the book David challenges you to a 1 year experiment to (1) Pray for the entire world. (2) Read through the entire Word. (3) Sacrifice money for a specific purpose. (4) Spend time in another context. (5) Commit your life to a multiplying community. Big experiment but one that is truthfully life changing. This book will have you thinking about what you are truly doing each day…productive or wasting time?!

The Last Emperor of Ethiopia, by Ryszard Kapuscinski
As I prepare to go on my first Mission Trip to Ethiopia in August 2012, we were all asked to read up on the history and religious beliefs of Ethiopia. One of the men I am going with suggested this book. It captures the life of the last Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie. Haile reigned Ethiopia from 1930 until he was overthrown by the Army in 1974. This book takes you through the travels of a Poland foreign correspondent as he traveled throughout Ethiopia to seek out and interview Selassie’s servants and closest associates on how the Emperor had ruled and why he fell to the Army.

Well those are the reviews, each one with a unique perspective. I am now 4 books away from reaching my goal in 2012…I am thinking I will be surpassing that goal by a few.

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