Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finding Your Best Friend…..

Everyone wants to meet and make the right choice when choosing a spouse. When we are young we dream of that special someone, heck in middle school you think WOW this is her or him. But, the reality is if you don’t find that someone your marriage could be a real mess, but if you do…well consider it a blessing, you have found who your BEST FRIEND should be.

When couples first get married it seems like it will last a lifetime. You are totally committed, fully in love. Unfortunately, for 50% of all couples the happiness turns into sadness. What happened? In the beginning you easily overlooked each other’s faults…the GRASS was so GREEN. Now, the grass is getting brown and the ends are shriveling up. Couples begin to encounter the difficulties of this world. They have trouble paying bills, one loses a job, another develops likes and want’s they didn’t previously. People change individually over time. The commitment to stay together starts to diminish, unconditional love for one another starts to slide.

So how do you continue to build a strong marriage through these challenges….make your spouse you’re BEST FRIEND!!

Your spouse has been your partner and lover, but have they been your best friend? For those that have been married for any length of time, you know that marriage is hard work and sometimes harder than your day to day job. When you invest in your marriage you can build a deep friendship. When your spouse is your best friend I guarantee you will be happier and more satisfied with life. Best friends are faithful, trustworthy, understanding, loving, accepting, respectful, and supportive. They will work through the conflicts and pressures that this world has such an easy time creating.

Husbands, your wife needs to know she is loved. Unfortunately, there are aspects of love that husband’s completely overlook. Women need attention, feel important, knowing their opinion matters, romance and affection. I know what some guys are thinking: "Romance and sex; I'll meet that need." If that is your thinking, you're freakin clueless!

Remember that a wives opinion of romance and affection is much more than sex. It's how we treat her throughout the day. It's saying words like, "I love you" and "I am thinking of you." It's stopping and listening. It's remembering special days like anniversaries (even ones before you were married), birthdays, Mother’s Day and Valentine's Day. God's word says, "Husbands, love your wives."

Lastly, make God FIRST in your lives. Seek God's will through PRAYER and be willing to follow HIS lead in one of life's biggest decisions…finding and staying with your BEST FRIEND!

The choice is yours.

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