Monday, July 16, 2012

TIME…when you hear that word what is the first thing that comes to mind.

TIME…when you hear that word what is the first thing that comes to mind. Need to look at your Iphone or watch on your wrist? Having thoughts of Time’s Square, TIME magazine or what time your favorite TV show(s) on? The list goes on. So what is time really? Are we so structured that time spent on meaningless things is taking complete control of our lives?

I think we need to go back to basics on TIME and reevaluate what our time SHOULD be consumed with. Let me give you a couple to consider.

NOW Time: This time is ever changing; it constantly refreshes itself like websites. We can get so caught up in this Time that nothing else seems to matter. We forget about the time from the past or the future. What is the now time going to affect; anything or everything? What if a friend needs you NOW…do you have the time?

Being “Rich” Time: People today spend so much of their time working to make more money so they can buy “Material” things. In Luke 12:15, Jesus said, "Watch out and guard yourself from all types of greed, because one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

Wasted Time: Oh yes! We have so much of this don’t we. Waiting at a doctor’s office for an appointment, stuck in traffic (Boy do I know this one being in DC…up to 3 hours a day sometimes), social events, surfing the internet. Think for a minute how much time you waste every day, you will be amazed.

Relationship Time: This is a big one and one that many of us miss…time for relationships. In today’s world it is so easy to have a shallow relationship with a friend or spouse (Believe me I have seen spouses that are shallow). We can ask the simple EASY stuff like their name, age, where they live, job, hobbies, but that isn’t REALLY knowing them. Time spent with someone is how you really get to know him or her…the TRUE person. You will know the REAL events happening in their lives. Face it we live in a world that is all about the “Fast”…fast food, fast cars, fast internet, fast running times (sorry had to add that with my hobby). We need to realize that we can’t have a “Fast” relationship with someone. Investment in others takes time.

Presence with Our Children Time: Our children consider our presence as a sign that we actually care about what they are doing. This does not mean your presence is busy on an Iphone, TEXTING (Hmmm), laptop or TV. Presence is focusing on their everyday lives, sitting down playing a game, school events, their hobbies, talking specifically about their day and providing feedback. Be genuine, this is the next GENERATION. Time goes quickly and they will soon be grown adults…blink…there just went a second you can’t get back.

Talking About Faith Time: Spiritual discussions don’t always come easy. These discussions will build strong relationships, not only with friends but with family. We all have anxiety about starting these conversations, but they can be simple, short and impromptu. It doesn’t have to be lengthy and certainly not forced. The foundation of Spiritual Leadership is talking about faith.

Bible Time: This is the most important book ever written. This one book has literally changed the world in which we live in today. With an open mind and heart READ it, you will continue turning the pages. Don’t read this book the same as you do other books though…you will miss so many hidden messages for your growth. I recommend starting in the Book of John, read it carefully and slow. It is amazing what you will learn about God and yourself. It is a game changer!

PRAYER Time: I have left the most significant time you can spend for last. Prayer gets you connected with God in ways you would never imagine. One-on-one prayer with him is never judged or silly. He listens to your every word and thought. This is your time to ask for strength, guidance, love, wisdom and to lift up others who are struggling or have specific requests. At some point, storms will come to everyone and prayer will get you through.

So what is important to you? What do you want your time to be consumed with? The things that really don’t matter or the things that will make an impact, change or love someone? Future GENERATIONS are depending on us to keep what is important IMPORTANT.

The choice is yours…..

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