Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Grass… it really GREENER on the other side

It always looks better, the other side of the grass that is. But in many cases it isn’t the grass itself; it is the neighbor's wife or husband for the ladies out there, a sports car that your friend just bought, friend’s fancy house, another job.

So many people today are just not happy with what they have or the situation they find themselves in. They think that the examples I gave above are the answers to all their problems or a better life awaits them. What they don't realize is, they already have perfect things in their lives, but they are blinded (hint on my future blog
J). Sadly, it will take losing nearly everything in order for them to realize how much they will miss once they cross to the other side. We all take for granted that we have freedom, health, food at every corner, love, family and friendships. The reason we complain and feel inadequate about our current situations is because we are looking for that “perfect situation”. You are not going to find it! We see what others have and either get upset or feel it is unfair that the other person has something. We feel like life OWES us. Life doesn’t OWE us anything.

So what’s the solution you ask? It’s simple…stand firm on the grass you are currently on!

God created all of us with green grass…not greener than someone else. It is what we do with the grass we are currently standing on that matter’s. You need to water, aerate, fertilize, nurture, and mow the grass when it is necessary. See when you work the fields of grass you are currently standing on it will become greener than you ever imagined and soon that grass on the other side will dry up and turn brown and blow away with the wind.

Let me close by saying you need to kneel on that grass and PRAY for God to guide and protect you through the “storms” that you will encounter and you will see that God has provided all you need and the grass you are standing on will be wondrous and flourishing…paradise in your eyes!

The choice is yours…

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